Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Honey Typography

I've been playing around with different ways of creating typography. This was just a fun exercise to get me ready to make my plant typography, but I'm loving how it came out. I took a small bottle cap and poured some honey into it (it was my mini palette). I then used it to paint with. Here are some pictures I took of it. I had to photoshop the whole alphabet together since I ran out of space on the first paper. Also, sorry about the dirty cutting board background.

1 comment :

  1. like these a lot. needn't do the entire alphabet upper/lower case. even single letters (or words). which words. might do time lapse, what happens: even vertical, so they run. and photograph.

    remind me of a series of works by Ed Rusha in the 1960s (formally, not the honey aspect), but enjoy these for their own merits.

    u (1968)
    eye (1969)
