Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Could that be the name of my show? Microtypography already exists. What I'm doing goes even smaller than microtypography, so... nano?

Just posting the stuff I've been working on lately.

Scans of 4 different typefaces printed at 1pt font size, scanned in at 12,500 DPI, and enlarged.

"A"s, further enlarged.

Lorem ipsum at 1pt font size on a 36 x 48" poster.

1 comment :

  1. the individual letters are beautiful by themselves. I presume that different scans, of the same (1pt) letter, scanned at 12,500ppi, will yield somewhat different versions, just because of the uneven nature of the paper, and other accidents.

    much prefer the purity of the individual letters, over the lorem ipsum.

    "nano typography" is ok, but meh. (maybe good in a subtitle.)
    can't the title be more poetic? a line or word or phrase from von Hofmannsthal, for example?
