Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Business Card

Just wanted to include a post of my business card design. I'm in the middle of designing the website and the facebook page, but those will definitely be up by the date of our reception.

I decided to go with the name of Fat Rabbit Creative because 1) I really like bunnies, 2) I do more than just design work so I didn't want to use the word "design" on the card, and 3) I wanted a name that was memorable and kinda fun, 4) teachers have pointed out that my previous self-branding has lacked my personality despite showing off my love of clean, Swiss design, and 5) I wanted something with a little attitude

I did several designs for the origami rabbit but all the rabbits that were more plump caused my test audience (i.e. my roommates) to not be able to recognize that the shape was in fact a rabbit.

All-in-all I'm quite pleased with the design.
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