Monday, April 11, 2016

The Original Inspiration

We will begin with where it started.

So a few years ago, back in high school, I began making candy/gum wrapper bracelets. I made them constantly until I got kinda sick of them, believing them to be a one trick pony. About a year ago I decided to make one. By then I had forgotten how to and looked for tutorials online. In my search I came across a video of a woman weaving a bunch of them together to create a clutch purse. I thought, "What if I could take this method and use it to create a dress?" And we're off!

I didn't have much paper saved up back then but I did have an abundance of GameInformers and the pages were the right dimensions so I decided to use these as material.

I figured I could loop the pattern around my body and create a dress by sewing the parts that overlapped.

Unfortunately, I soon discovered a very large issue: the paper was too heavy and weaving this tightly together created a lack of airflow. The wearer would get very hot and overheat within minutes. I'm not out to kill someone with a dress so had to scrap the idea.

Luckily, I came back to it a few years later and found out that this method was called modular origami and there were a million different variations.

Moving on!

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