Monday, April 11, 2016

Where we last left off

Last time you saw me I had posted pictures of several sketches for the dresses. The dresses were partly inspired by the four elements, but also by the zodiac.

To be quite honest, I didn't really care for most of my sketches, but that's mostly because I don't think I was creating these sketches for this project but instead just kinda showing off the sort of designs that appealed to me and elements that I found visually interesting.

From the general feedback from the class I could tell that most people just weren't responding very positively to most of the sketches, save for one (pictured below). This was probably the only sketch that I was quite proud of and that I felt showed off a design that could actually be fully realized in the time allotted and more importantly with the material and method of modular origami.

I really dragged my feet making these sketches because I knew that I couldn't create any designs without first understanding how the material needed to be folded and how it could be manipulated from the original creation method. Could it fold? Bend? How much could it hold? Would I need designs that used large gaps or could I interweave individual pieces tightly? Could it stand up on its own? How much paper exactly would I need for each dress? Could I use the same basic fold but connect them in different ways and only use one method per dress? What folds were easier to make? What was gonna give me the look I wanted?

To answer these questions I first had to play and experiment.

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