Sunday, April 17, 2016

Putting up my work

I can't believe our show is in 3 days?! A lot of hours have been put in over the past few months culminating in one thesis show, for one night: mind-blowing. So In chronological order, here are some snapshots I took while installing my show Limited Exposure

Finished cutting and mounting

Picked up my vinyl scales from Andy

Installing the vinyl. 

3 hours later

Cutting the overlap on the seams to make the perfect

marking, measuring and planning: ft. James

laying out of my pieces after re-adhearing my work

Close up of homemade "L hooks" because Home Depot was a let down

The work!!! it's HUNG! 

My show pieces in their entirety
now let's add process book, take aways and business cards

Close up of my shelf

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